We Speak English Not Geek!
Fact-Checking Is Important! - 2020-08-19 10:50:48-04
Recently, a Facebook friend of mine posted a message she had copied from someone else. Here is the message: “I understand that some of us differ in our beliefs regarding COVID19. I also understand that many people will be downloading the COVID19 app. However, if I am one of your “contacts” and you intend on installing the app, “Healthy Together”– […]
Buying A Laptop? - 2020-08-19 10:51:08-04
As I get a little older, I realize it’s important to work smarter rather than longer. There are some things in the computer business that I am repeatedly asked. How cool would it be if I could just send people with the same question to one answer! Thus, one of the reasons I’m creating more and more videos on our […]