We Speak English Not Geek!
A Vertical Edge - 2021-04-22 10:05:11-04
If you use Microsoft Edge as one of your browsers, you might want to know about a recently updated feature – vertical tabs. You’re already aware of tabs – all browsers have them now. Tabs allow you to have multiple websites open in one window. You might recall that, in the old days, we used to have a single window […]
There’s More Than Meets The Eye…Or, Still The Weakest Link - 2021-04-22 10:05:35-04
Yesterday, I attended a very enlightening webinar regarding the dark web. The four moderators shared information about what can be found there and they defined terms, such as “market place” and “forum” as those terms related to this shady area of the Internet. The webinar was geared towards both businesses and consumers. As someone who writes all the time about […]