We Speak English Not Geek!
How To Avoid Smishing Scams - 2021-04-30 07:49:13-04
I suppose that before I explain how to avoid smishing scams, it might help to understand the meaning of the word “smishing.” Basically, smishing is phishing through text rather than email. All clear now? That definition works fine if you understand what phishing is. Okay, let’s go to the Mirriam-Webster dictionary to find out the full meaning of “smishing.” (Note: […]
Sorting Your Pictures By Tags - 2021-04-30 07:49:42-04
It’s been two years since I first explained picture tags and how valuable they are for sorting and searching your photos. (See: “Tag! You’re It!”) While tags are immensely helpful, there’s a problem: tagging every picture is so very time-consuming. For instance, on my main computer, I have 52,374 pictures. (By the time you read this, there’ll be more.) Can […]